Saturday Evening

While lulled to sleep by the interminable droning of the priest, Cow considered:
-How she would NEVER be able to rustle up 500 Topiary acquaintances to fill a church...
-How she'd like to belong to a church, if only they weren't so boring, and so family-and-kids oriented;
-How frightening it was that the microphone kept fading out as the priest spoke, and whether this was some sort of message;
-Two words on page eight of the Guide to the Service: "please kneel" horrors!
-How much relief can be generated by kindly seatmates saying "you don't have to do that" as others leave their seats for communion;
-The effects of fantastic food, a great band and an open bar at a classy reception to make the evening a rollicking success!
Cow hopes all young shrubs get just as beautiful a start. *snif* into Topiary hanky