Monday, June 08, 2009


Cow freely admits she doesn't know how to 'snap' her bubble gum. She doesn't know how to blow bubbles, either (they would get caught in Topiary anyway).

Does this mean she likes or admires those who chew, and snap, and blow, and then chew some more?

Uh, no.

In fact, Cow can't understand how somebody in an office cannot understand that randomly spaced, loud snaps are at the best, a distraction, at worst, obnoxious, and Cow could go on.

That this same person sucks her teeth while eating is just another one of the many reasons Cow seizes every chance to either eat alone at her desk, go outside for lunch or create diversionary noise at every opportunity.



Blogger watercolordaisy said...

heh. indeed! Although I can blow bubbles.... Mostly they then pop on my face...

9:24 AM  
Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

Ms Cow should learn how to blow bubbles! She must make her mouth into a very small 'O', place the gum at the end of her tongue, and say "thoo, thoo" instead of "moo, moo".

10:01 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Watercolor is stunningly talented, indeed!

Gorilla, Cow has taken this under advisement, and will try as soon as she can be coaxed out from under the hedge.


1:40 PM  
Blogger Lulu LaBonne said...

Actually I've always thought gum-chewers looked exactly like cows chewing the cud - I'd have thought you'd find that attractive.

It would probably be better if this person learned to fart rather than suck her teeth though - tell her that you would find that more cowish and therefore preferable

2:28 PM  
Blogger raydenzel1 said...

Cow has been in hiding? chewing and then the small bubble pops, hate that noise and moo in sympathy

6:07 PM  
Blogger Supermom said...

I don't have to deal with popping but I sure do have to deal with a nail clipper.


7:45 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Lulu, Cow bows to your expertise and acknowledges the attractiveness of certain chewing motions on bovines.

Grass, bugs, teethsucking...add gum into the mix, what a mess!

RJ: how nice of you to visit again (Cow quickly adding RJ to Cow List of Places to Visit)

Supermom: Thanks for visiting, your blog does not let Topiary in anymore...


8:33 AM  
Blogger watercolordaisy said...

Supermom's blog is down for all, Ms. Cow. Not just you. She is retooling.

11:23 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Why, thank you for the info, Ms. Watercolor...had wondered...


3:11 PM  
Blogger linda said...

I can blow huge bubbles with gum but if I have to chew a vast amount which hurts my jaw. I blew one so big that it popped and stuck on my eyelashes. Very horrible even if it was amusing.

3:22 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Only Linda would have a story such as this....

(secret, sticky moo!)

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cow is "ruminating" on chewing bubble gum?

5:53 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Yes indeedy (ruminative moo from second stomach)


6:37 AM  

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