A little light reading....murder mystery: "
Le Crime" by Peter Steiner, 2009. Set in France. More thoughtful and introspective than many murder mysteries. Lots of nice touches about living in France.
And then, something more thought-provoking. "
Paranoia, the 21st Century Fear" by Daniel Freeman. 2009.
"Being the victim of a violent crime is not an experience one can take in one's stride. And it's not likely to do much for one's faith in other people either. After having suffered these traumas, paranoia can seem a reasonable viewpoint on the world. In 2005-6 about a quarter of the adult population of England and Wales, 10 million people, were victims of crime. A dramatic rise in crime has made us feel increasingly threatened and vulnerable, and stoking our sense of paranoia."
Trends the authors highlight which give rise to greater paranoia are haphazard reasoning and inaccurate risk assessment, increasing urbanization (causing isolation), migration, victimization and our growing awareness of conspiracies and cover-ups.
The lack of trust in leaders, the belief that everyone lies, leads to breakdown in social institutions.
Except for bankers, of course. And mortgage companies. Cow steadfastly believes them to deserve every penny of their bonuses; to have conducted business in the most ethical manner, and only to be rewarding employees who adhered to the highest possible standards.
Topiary dreams on, happy in the Land of Topiary, where everyone is honourable, where companies flourish because of good businsess practices, where the Sunday paper has two color magazines AND a TV guide, where unethical practices are rooted out and poor managers chastized, where investors are give a fair return...