Friday, December 11, 2009

Too many people

Diane Francis of the Financial Post, writes The real inconvenient truth overhanging the UN's Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world. The world's other species, vegetation, resources, oceans, arable land, water supplies and atmosphere are being pushed out of existence as a result of humanity's soaring reproduction rate."

And, from the China Daily News
"Dealing with climate change is not simply an issue of CO2 emission reduction but a comprehensive challenge involving political, economic, social, cultural and ecological issues, and the population concern fits right into the picture."

Finally, a few people have the courage to mention what has become taboo: overpopulation.

Cow is subjected at this time of year to endless pleas to buy stuff for poor children. Yet birth control has been cheap and easily available for over 40 years. If people can't afford to feed, clothe and buy presents for their offspring, why did they have them?

The answer is, people are very good at doing what they are paid to do. The US through tax breaks, subsidies and cash grants pays people to have children.

Cow hoping this will change and the world will once again be dominated by Topiary, as it should be.



Blogger HEATHER said...

Don't forget welfare Cow! When you can get a bigger check every time you pop one out, why not?!
Don't even get me started about our welfare society! The welfare system has cheapend the sanctity of life-in my opinion. So disgusting! Did you hear Michelle Duggar had number 19 today?!

3:25 PM  
Blogger I Hate to Weight said...

i don't think we talk enough about birth control -- that seems like a taboo subject too sometimes.

why don't we talk more about over-population, i wonder. if people had more information, perhaps there would be different choices. i certainly didn't know about going green until i learned about it from outside sources.

and yes, it would be a better world with more topiary.

10:33 PM  
Blogger linda said...

Oh, I totally agree.

The world is just one big ongoing re enactment of "The Emperor's Clothing". Everyone knows what should be done but dare not say it in case they offend someone or contravene someones rights.

3:14 AM  
Blogger Karen ^..^ said...

Don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em.

I got my tubes tied after #2.

I was never good on the pill, it always wigged me out a bit, so after I had K2, I got "spayed".

I knew my life would be a struggle with the two I had, being on the edge of divorce, etc, but I still work my ass off to feed the ones I have. I'm not able to have much of a Christmas this year, given the economy and the fact that my income has been cut by two thirds, but at least I don't have more than one mouth to feed anymore. It's hard enough! #1 is on her own now. With very limited resources, and no help at all, I did alright. But I was never a parasite of the system. Proud to say.

I agree with this post completely. There are just WAY too many people in the world.

5:36 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Heather: yes indeed. Cow agreees, 19 kids is disgusting, so is Octomom with her 14, but aside from the implications of foisting so many children on this overburdened planet is the the thought that at least in Octomom's case, this is a woman who has never held a job, so we are paying for their support and for their health care.

Thank you for your comments.

Weight: Yes, it has apparently become taboo, and Cow is pretty sure this is because radical religious zealots have co-opted the discussion of birth control and made it about morality, which it isn't.

They are two different things, which Cow wishes they would remember when the number of abused children rises as children who are not wanted are brought into this world by parents who then abuse them.

It seems there was a brief period of the 1970's where concern for the environment and of overpopulation was discussed, then it was squelched.

In Cow's state, in some areas, 98% of children are born to unmarried teenage mothers, and then it is no surprise when 98% of children are receiving subsidized meals and health care.

Cow understands that sometimes mistakes happen, but this many needy children born to parents unable to take care of them is not a mistake, it is the result of a deliberate government policy of paying for babies.

Argh. Must restore leafy Topiary equilibrium!


3:05 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Cow wants to make sure she is understood as having nothing against people who have one or two children and who are able to care for them, such as yourself.

But it has been amazing, and yes it IS like the Emperor's clothing, that no one dare speak of the population crisis, apparently because of fear of religious backlash.


Thank you very much for sharing your story, Cow thinks you are very brave, and wishes that everyone could be as responsible as you. Cow feels sure that Karen's children have absorbed her responsible genes and that is a good thing!

Karen, obviously you have pride in yourself and your accomplishments, Cow wishes every one had this sense of self and knowledge of what is the right thing, instead of just thinking of what the government or others will give them.

Cow thanks everyone for taking the time to post during this busy holiday season!


3:10 PM  
Blogger meno said...

When i become supreme being, i will limit every woman to two pregnancies in her lifetime, without regard to the outcome of those pregnancies.

Then, after a hundred years, (or whenever)when the population reaches a lower number, then maybe three pregnancies. I'll decide then.

11:20 AM  

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