Friday, October 23, 2009

Attention to detail

Some areas of the country definitely do more on the recycling front. The streets of Maine showed the residents support these efforts. There were boxes of cardboard, bags of leaves, and everything neatly separated....

Cow was impressed. But then it doesn't always take a lot to impress innocent Topiary!


Blogger kate said...

yes, we do get a little crazy over recycling in New England. you can recycle just about anything except styrofoam. And Maine even gives you a rebate on milk jugs, juice bottles, just about everything. Mass. just does soda and beer cans and bottles.

And yes, Portland is near us. Technically two whole states away but only about an hour and 20 minute drive. That's the nice part about living in small states! You can visit four or five states in one day!

Glad you had an awesome time up my way.

7:39 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Kate, Topiary was very glad to see people doing this.

Now if only they would cut down (by controls on manufacturers) the amount of trash we are forced to take IN when we buy a product, instead of the entire emphasis on recycling something we didn't want to buy in the first place!

Kate, that is charming that so many states are so close--you are almost continental in that regard!

Thanks for the insight about your area.


8:01 AM  
Blogger watercolordaisy said...

It may be required there. Is where my sister lives. They are fined if there is anything in their trash that can be recycled. Here, I can't get a recycling bin delivered to my house and don't actually think I'm on a pick up route... sigh.

8:14 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Yes it is very hit or miss here. Areas where there is more population and the dumps are filling up start paying more attention to this.

Cow was very heartened to see this sidewalk effort.


10:00 AM  
Blogger raydenzel1 said...

Somehow, methinks Topiary is not that innocent!

Small states are cool for seeing different things quickly.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha - rjacob already said what i was going to remark on - and it had nothing to do with geography....

5:28 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Ah--Cow's lack of innocence uncovered!


7:59 AM  

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