Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A one and a two...

After reading an article that finds the fatter you are the more your brain shrinks, or maybe the smaller your brain is the fatter you will become, but leaving cause and effect aside, Cow re-doubled her gym efforts.

There IS something about lifting weights that makes you feel good. Last night Cow's eyes were drawn to a couple cute guys in the weight area. And noticed that guys seem to lift weights with a totally different philosophy than ladies.

Cow is like, 3 sets of 10 on this, next machine, next, next, outta there. Whereas these guys would lift a weight a few times. Then put it back, and stand around. Chat beside the barbell, adjust their shirts, and then lift a little more. Then trade places, chat some more, get some water, and then do a few more lifts. And adjust something, then do a few more.

By the time Cow had finished fluffing her Topiary on the quick run of cardio, the guys were still on that one barbell. Like, 40 minutes.

Don't know which way is better. They DID seem to be in good shape. But there goes your entire evening, doing weights the "guy" way.



Blogger Kevin Musgrove said...

"adjust something" covers a multitude of sins...

1:24 PM  
Blogger Lulu LaBonne said...

Mrs Cow - they only doing it that long to impress you that's what guys think girls like

2:33 PM  
Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Both ways have differing results. Their way means that you have a longer rest period for the muscles to recover, and if they are only lifting weights a few times, I'm assuming they're heavy weights and the guys are lifting to failure.

They do this to construct big guns.

Your way makes the guns leaner, more rapid fire, so to speak.

Plus, their way means they get to look in the mirror under the guise of 'checking their form.'

2:58 PM  
Blogger raydenzel1 said...

either way of lifting, you were looking and that was a good thing.

4:36 PM  
Blogger watercolordaisy said...


5:06 PM  
Blogger linda said...

Lift, look and grunt.

The boys lift heavy weights and need more recovery time. Along with a bit of posturing.

I hope you are doing your squats and lunges.

4:06 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Kevin: oh my. Get your mind out of the gutter sir!!! :)

Lulu: another mind in the gutter!!! And YOU with a pointy bra!!!! :)

Ultra: Nice to hear from you!

Well your explanation makes it all clear. They DID do a lot of looking in the mirror! And they DID have big guns so to speak!

RJ: not so sure...looking at these muscles made Topiary feel she was playing RIGHT into their hands.

Yup. Just another mirror for their own admiration.


10:51 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Watercolor: Cow not at your gym, at the one in the hospital up the road, but it's probably just the same as your Trainer Mondays one.

Glad it gave you a laugh.

Linda: Did do squats. However not yet in your league--no commando crawls yet or in the near future.


10:52 AM  
Blogger Kevin Musgrove said...

"lift, look and grunt" probably explains why I live on my own these days...

11:56 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Kevin: Ah.

But who then is there to admire you in the mirror? :)

12:06 PM  

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