Linda: Cow once found a plastic toy in her yard. The years had not been kind to it. That's about the extent of it!
RJ: at least only the caps, not the bottles!
Gorilla: yes, amazing. Imagine it being buried so long, perhaps the people couldn't find it again after burying it, or perhaps they died out before returning. Fascinating.
Only thing Cow knows is, if she were to essay into battle wearing that helmet of hammered gold, she would feel quite the thing!
Oh, how I wish I could find such treasure in my backyard. Nothing in mine soil but bugs and worms. Which, of course, are treasures in themselves.
sigh, I would only find beer bottle caps!
Wasn't that amazing, Ms Cow? So much stuff in one garden. A history buff said it had something to do with Beowulf.
Linda: Cow once found a plastic toy in her yard. The years had not been kind to it. That's about the extent of it!
RJ: at least only the caps, not the bottles!
Gorilla: yes, amazing. Imagine it being buried so long, perhaps the people couldn't find it again after burying it, or perhaps they died out before returning. Fascinating.
Only thing Cow knows is, if she were to essay into battle wearing that helmet of hammered gold, she would feel quite the thing!
what about Spanish gold? I'm sure some conquistador exploring the South must have dropped something in your neighborhood.
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