Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One kitty meowed the whole trip till she finally went to sleep.

The second kitty was content to scritch up the cage padding and sleep.

Anybody who doesn't think cats have personalities is crazy.



Blogger HEATHER said...

I have one tabby who squalls and throws her hair out the whole time she is in the car going to the vet, which is a five minute drive. I can't imagine having to take her cross-country.

12:52 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Heather: you would probably truly BE a lunatic after a little while. Cow was hanging onto her sanity by a thread.


3:03 PM  
Blogger kate said...

Cats totally have personalities. If mine could talk he'd have a French accent and he is most certainly gay, I swear. Try spanking him sometime, it's downright disturbing.

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are the cats going along on this journey? have i missed a post somewhere?

6:26 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Kate: agree. Pretty sure some of Cow's cats are French too!

Deborah: Cats were left behind when a family member died. Cow offered them a home but had to transport them a loooong way to get to her house.

Thanks for your concern.


11:45 AM  

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