Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Competing stimuli

Cow is shaking out her tired and wrinkled Topiary after returning from a trip in which the only bright spot was the aerial view of Salt Lake City from the aeroplane window.

An article (long time ago, sorry no link) stated the best way to move your mind from unpleasant occurrences is a surfeit of New Experiences, the more intense, the better.

Apparently, time not being immutable but influenced by competing stimuli. If you experience Thing A, and then nothing else remarkable for a while, Thing A remains freshly in the memory. By doing Things B-Z, Thing A is relegated by the brain back into the "dusty old news" section and it is more quickly forgotten.

Thing A in this case being a distasteful, stressful venture to resolve an elderly Topiary's difficulties.

Since returning, in order to get her Topiary sensibilities back to some semblance of normality, Cow has called every friend she has, scrubbed down her house while listening to hours of talk radio, and watched: Public Enemies (excellent); The Proposal (fun and light); "The Way Things Are Today" (British mini-series) and the entire first season of Miami Vice (from the 1980's, but the great clothes, music and cinematography still suck you in).

Topiary will now be checking on what all of you have been doing and is looking forward to playing a most charming DVD received all the way from England! Yes, what a nice surprise, Lulu (link at right) of the fabled Earwig Sandwich, has sent a sample of her film-making, which Topiary will be eagerly perusing, and a cute card. Thank you for the welcome-home gift, Lulu!

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer, except those in Australia who are apparently enjoying winter.



Blogger watercolordaisy said...

Glad you are home safely.

8:00 AM  
Blogger kate said...

welcome home! being sucked in by Miami Vice sounds kinda good right now....

9:44 AM  
Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

That is a wonderful view, Ms Cow. Are those the Rocky Mountains?

11:22 AM  
Blogger Kevin Musgrove said...

And at least the view of SLC is always a treat.

Welcome home!

12:51 PM  
Blogger raydenzel1 said...

I have trouble connecting the dots let alone letters.
Glad you are back, you were missed!

6:19 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Watercolor: Why thank you!

Kate: In your honor please see my newest post. Highly recommended, also, if you were driving their Maserati and had their firepower you'd no longer concern yourself with SUVs passing you!

Gorilla: Nothing to compare to the Congo, surely...will look up which mountains, since Cow was only on layover not too sure what mountains they are...

Kevin: sounds as if you've been there...

RJ: Cow presently also having trouble connecting any dots, but seeking out sharp shears to solve the problem.

Cow thanks all for their wishes!


7:33 PM  
Blogger linda said...

Miami Vice! Get out the white jacket and push your sleeves up to your elbow. Looks CooooooL.

3:34 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Agreed. White linen is the way to go!

Cow would actually like to have Don Johnson's hairdo too, though.


11:32 AM  

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