Thursday, April 09, 2009


Cow feels guilty about...not having made good decisions, doing stupid things, making ill-considered comments at times, not working as hard as possible on projects...

But compared to the offenses and idiocy detailed in "The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power" Cow's missteps pale in comparison.

From lost opportunities (becoming an ally of Iran after they supported us after 9/11) to continual backing of despotic dictators, America's missteps as detailed here are stunningly depressing. Cow left wondering how so many highly-paid, highly-trained "experts" could lead the way so poorly.



Blogger A. Boyd Campbell, II said...

That looks interesting.

Poor Iran. We've been getting it wrong there for over a hundred years.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

Not the best market for Gillette products though.

1:41 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

ABC: yes, along with Pakistan..It is an interesting, well-researched book with many highly-sourced snippets.

GB: Hee!

2:20 PM  
Blogger A. Boyd Campbell, II said...

Pakistan isn't entirely our fault. Hinduism has proven amazingly resilient to encroachment from other religions. They've beaten back infusions of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam which conquered all the areas surrounding India, but not India.

In a way, Pakistan was the result of an irresistible force meeting an unmovable object. Islam spread to the east with blinding speed and irresistible force until it hit India. They managed to break off a piece of India to make Pakistan, but couldn't take over the heart of Hinduism itself.

The British might have tipped the scales that lead to the eventual break off of Pakistan, but it was going to happen sooner or later even without them.

Had India fallen, I have to think the rest of Asia would have eventually become Muslim instead of just the western portion.

That boarder will always be a hot spot because I don't see Islam ever completely giving up on taking India and the rest of Asia.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Sandi said...

Looks like an interesting book, but I don't think I could read it. It would just make me mad.


7:43 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

ABC: interesting about Hinduism, thank you for your informed comments.

The book discusses Pakistan at length, so much history there, so many American missteps...

Sandi: You're right. Book very interesting but indeed is best in small doses.


1:42 PM  

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