Unexpected Encounter

On the first day, a guy came in late. There was something about him...his intelligent comments. His joking with the people at his table. His smile. The fact that, when introducing himself to the class, he didn't mention a wife or kids. The lack of a wedding ring.
Yup, Cow was smitten. Smitten!
Needless to say, on Day 2 Cow's attire, hair and makeup suddenly improved. From slobby-class clothes, to stylish Topiary Trim.
Topiary and Cute Guy chatted a few times, passing in the hall during breaks. Oooh. Smitten-ville! Ha!
Day 3, Topiary and classmates were walking to a downtown eatery for lunch. Topiary hoping Cute Guy would join them, but alas, he hung back and stayed with a guy from his table.
So, Topiary pretty much writing him off...No sense liking a guy if he can't make a mooove.
Day 4, afternoon break. Topiary consoling herself with a candy bar from the machine, turns around, and there he is. They chat. He's divorced. Topiary volunteered her own, divorced status, living alone. They chatted some more. He asked for her phone number!
This was an interesting development! Of course she wrote it down for him, and he gave Topiary his business card, writing his cell phone number on the back.
At the end of class, they walked together to the parking lot. Even more information was disclosed, such as that he broke up with his girlfriend a month ago, is staying with friends and looking for a place to live. Hmmm, mentioned Topiary..."I'm kind of looking for a roomate."
Cute guy asked about the location of the Topiary Neighborhood, seemed interested, disclosed that he had custody of a son every other weekend. "I'll call you!" he said cheerily.
Now, Cow wondering if it was too forward, too fast, to even discuss a roomate thing. Did it seem too eager?
Since he hasn't called.
Guy time. See, if Topiary were going to call somebody, she'd do it right away. It's now been a day since he got her phone number.... Cow writes guys off if they wait too long to call. Like, if their life is too busy for them to call there's no point.
The cool thing, the ego-saving thing, is, when guys give you THEIR phone number, it becomes YOU who isn't calling THEM. Whew. Now Cow feels better (putting away the cookies and ice cream).
Here raccoons! Goodies bought to salve a bruised ego, yet living on to become your evening banquet!
Maybe he was thrown off by the roommate thing thinking you weren't interested in him romantically.....
So, interesting pickle.... do you break all the rules and contact him and ask him out and NEVER bring up the roommate thing again? Or wait and hope he'll call anyway???
Me, I'd probably call him, but I have terrible luck with men so don't necessarily go by my advice.... lol.
Oooh, does roommate preclude romance?
Cow didn't know.
Cow much too shy to call. Alas. It would be way too awkward.
Sigh. Hate blowing it before even getting a date....
darn. Moo!
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I don't see anything wrong about saying you were looking for a roommate. Sassy Miss Kara (linked in my blog under "Girls I'd like to spank") is now the live-in girlfriend of her ex-roommate. No point in over-analyzing. If he likes you, he won't be put off by a remark which suggests that you like him
The prescribed time is two weeks. if he hasn't called by then, tear up his card and moove along.
I don't know. Men are strange delicate creatures. And can be remarkably unaware of time. Keeping my fingers crossed he calls!!!!
Cow, you don't want him as a room mate, you want him as a mate! When he calls, cow needs to say room is taken but cow will buy him a drink as a consolation prize, cow must never, never make a domestic arrangement with object cow desires, cow wants to hold hooves and stroll through meadows with object of desire, cow does not want to discuss utility bills with aforementioned bull.
Cow thanks you for your comforting words...and thinks Gorilla is very wise in warning against over-analyzing (a definite failing of Cow)
Sandi: Thank you for the time-check. Clock is now ticking...
Watercolor: Cow thanks you for your finger-crossing! and agrees, men are different from both Watercolors and Topiary Cows...
You are absolutely right, and Cow thinks her enthusiasm for this idea of a roommate got carried away.
Indeed, as she looked at her house this weekend it seemed to get smaller and smaller! And Letters is absolutely right, nothing is more relationship-killing than utility bills!
Cow thanks wise Letters for posting and is now off to read Letters' blog....
Men have no sense of time and don't understand that if they aren't on the 'phone at least every day then they're not showing their commitment. They're also the ones being sick in the corner before finally plucking up the courage to ring.
Give it a few days and then find some excuse to meet at a neutral venue.
Ha! Good advice from "someone who knows."
Ring him. He did give you his number. Men don't give numbers out unless they are interested. But then, I did ask my husband to marry me around 500 times before he got sick of me and said yes. Hmmm, once he said yes I thought "now I have to go ahead with it".
I have always been a bit forward.
When do we get an update on this? Enquiring minds want to know!
Letters. What Letters said.
One or the other.
Do not confuse the male mind by offering drinks/date/sex versus rent/ labeled milk carton in fridge/assorted other roommate complexities
No. Absolutely not. You are either a sex goddess/potential stepmom or a landlord. Can't be both.
(And as for dating a live-in -- Have you never dumped someone/been dumped? How on earth would one shuffle in to make coffee the next morning? "Oh. Hi. You're still here?")
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