Even More Readings

Cow's been reading...and reading...and not posting.
Cow would have liked the Tehran book more had they eschewed sensationalism and used "Huckleberry Finn" in the title. And Cow not much of a Nabokov fan.
As for Mr. Chahal's book, he is a smart man, having made $400 million from selling the number of clicks on a website ad. Remember when the web was new and you hated hated hated those banner ads? Yup, that was him. And that sound you heard was the chink of his millions racking up with every click.
Unfortunately his book shows the same narrow, boring concentration on self and making money which Cow has noticed in most students in Business classes. And fails to spare us his forays into self-pity as he describes of how hard his life was, how mean everyone in America was to him while he was making his millions, and how unfair all the lawsuits against him are.
Funnily enough, he has the same whine Ted Turner did. In that, he sold out his business as soon as he could, then felt "slighted" when nobody seemed to listen to him anymore, now that he no longer owned the company. Duh!
Single-minded people, Chahal and Turner, are usually very good at their only interest, which in this case, is making money. Unfortunately neither of them are very good at anything else, including writing interesting books.
"Huckleberry Finn" in the title wouldn't sell nearly as many books as "Lolita" in the title.
If it makes you feel any better, think of the people who bought the book thinking it might be some sort of oriental sequel to Lolita.
Most of the criticism of Nafisi comes from other Iranians who accuse her of trying to judge Iran's attitude on women by western standards and using same to explain why it's sold so well in the west.
Being neither Iranian or a woman, I can't say if that's a fair criticism. It's a fascinating book though, if nothing else just for the very clash of cultures she's criticized for.
Two more books to avoid then! Thank you for reading them for me, Ms Cow!
Ta for the warnings!
BTW - you've got an award
A.Boyd C: Cow guessing you did much better in literature classes than she! And admits the class reminded her very much of college, but agrees it was interesting nonetheless.
Luckily Cow obtains most of her books through the generosity of the library so was spared having contributed to the sensationalist profit...
Gorilla: You're welcome. And Cow hopes the Congo is spared much of the dreck which is published lately...
Kevin: Thank you! (Modest Moo!)
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