Thursday, December 18, 2008


After listening to the history of the Pakistan-India partition, (done, in a hurry, by an apparently ignorant and uncaring officer), Cow reflects on our world, run by managers.

Prez Bush, who knew about the mortgage defaults years ago but allowed it to continue; German officers who carpet-bombed Rotterdam despite an agreement not to bomb civilian targets; Bernie Maddox, "managing" people's money in the oldest of frauds, a Ponzi scheme; the SEC, its highly-paid managers apparently playing darts in a pub as billions were ripped off.

All across the board--through ancient times and the present, the military, politicians, government, private companies--managers run things. People have an implicit belief that those in authority know what they are doing. That because they are highly paid, and hold high positions, they deserve them.

Cow lets a bitter "ha!" escape under her breath.



Blogger linda said...

We have a bank here that is about to sack almost 2000 people over Christmas. However they also gave all their top CEO's HIDEOUS payrises. Hmmmm, no wonder people feel helpless and resentful.

9:58 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

That's amazing. So that kind of corporate greed isn't just in America, eh?

Or, we probably exported it...



10:35 AM  
Blogger Kevin Musgrove said...

Goldman Sachs lost $2.1bn in the past three months but still paid out $2.6bn in bonuses.

Try and work than one out with a slide rule.

It's pretty bad that our entire economic model is based on the betting shop.

2:34 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Yes, and they won't provide an accounting of whether our billion-dollar payout was used for bonuses, junkets or what.

Great. Just great.

(Cow hurriedly trying to get slide rule to calculate how to avoid paying taxes)

Durn it.


8:07 AM  

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