Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Just in Time

From Tim T who brings us: Creative uses of modern environmental concepts: The Amazing Cholesterol Offset Scheme!

Just as smoke-spewing companies can offset their pollution by buying credits from non-polluters (please, someone, explain how that results in clean air or water) now we can pay to offset personal overconsumption of resources onto others. Guiltless chocolate! Gumballs, rumballs, popcorn balls! Cake, pie, brownies, cookies!

Cow really likes this idea.



Blogger TimT said...

I wonder if other people, like me, have become increasingly cranky at the difficulty it is to buy anything in the supermarket nowadays that isn't 'lite' or 'reduced fat' or 'diet' or 'skim'? It's like something vital has been taken out of the cream or the butter or the milk, or whatever it is that I want to buy.

Hopefully, if my cholesterol offset scheme gets widespread support, this will change! You CAN buy full-fat cheese! The fatter, the better! Just offset your cholesterol intake and everything will be all right!

I for one am glad that environmentalists or politicians came up with this carbon offset lark. It's just the perfectest excuse to do what you did anyway! Let's take advantage of it!

3:09 PM  
Blogger Sandi said...

There was an excellent article in the NYT today about us and the French, and how we are obese because we try to do everything "low-fat" or "low carb" or "lite" or what have you. They eat foods they enjoy and control the portions. And it seems to be working for them.

3:56 PM  
Blogger From the Doghouse said...

Works for me.

I also wonder how people who tout their being green (even though they don't live like it) think it's OK simply because they bought some "carbon credit". Doesn't change how you're living your life. And makes your green pitch sound hypocritical.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Kevin Musgrove said...

In my house, "green" is an oblique reference to a dodgy piece of boiled ham in my fridge.

8:00 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

TimT: Yes, Cow is cranky. But then she always is!

(except when munching on full-fat cheese, of course!)

Sandi: Cow will look for this article, but thinks possibly the total sedentariness of Americans, compared to the relative daily activity of the French, may have a lot to do with it too.

Either that, or their wine is secretly slimming. (Cow pouring herself a big glass, just to be sure).

Dog: Cow shares Dog's puzzlement. At, for instance, parents driving Land Hogs but using recycled bags.

Cow is sure Dog, of course, is green through and through.

Kevin: Somehow, that seems to fit with Helminthdale.

(Cow sending a Topiary wish for a fresh yummy meal to K)


8:33 AM  
Blogger scones with jam and cream said...

Dear Topiary, I never buy lo-fat bversions of anything, as it actually means 'disgusting'. (Fat is what makes cakes, sausages, chocolate etc taste nice.)I don't think I could actually afford to pay money at the moment to offset my cholesterol consumption, but it's a good idea.
I'd really love it if someone would invent 'fat transference' so you could find a poor, starving person and make them all healthy with your superfluous pudge.Love scones xx

8:57 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

That is a great idea.

(Topiary quickly scanning for fat-transference candidate, finding small shrub. YOU! HOLD IT!)


10:50 AM  
Blogger linda said...

Oh sear, I suffer enough from eco-guilt. Everything I do or don't do right makes me suffer terribly. If I have to eat chocolate and other junk foods to save the lives of others I shall feel guilty ALL DAY if I am not eating it.

Carbon offset - does that include farting amongst the exchange? You know, people in one country can offset lots of farts with a more uptight, hold it all in kind of country. I mean, farting is a source of energy AND pollution.

3:09 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...


Topiary thinks doing the right thing (eating chocolate for others) will prove a benefit to mankind. And to Linda.

As for the specific gravity of certain bean-consuming nations compared to others, Cow is sure America can hold its own. Ahem.


9:55 AM  

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