Cow hates it when books promise so much more than they deliver.
Buyology: The Truth and Lies about Why We Buy, seems so interesting. Let's use MRI using to explore the brain's reaction to advertising!
- Anti-smoking warnings actually make smokers want to smoke;
- People rarely remember products for ads they see;
- Indirect advertising in movies has no effect unless its tied into the plot.
Cow has a sneaking suspicion they also tested book jacket colors, found that yellow sells fastest, and figured to get their $25 bucks before anyone noticed there was only one page of actual content.
Buyology: The Truth and Lies about Why We Buy, seems so interesting. Let's use MRI using to explore the brain's reaction to advertising!
- Anti-smoking warnings actually make smokers want to smoke;
- People rarely remember products for ads they see;
- Indirect advertising in movies has no effect unless its tied into the plot.
Cow has a sneaking suspicion they also tested book jacket colors, found that yellow sells fastest, and figured to get their $25 bucks before anyone noticed there was only one page of actual content.
Yes, with a title that interesting you don't need much content! There was a book about grammar that sold well because its title was Eats, Shoots and Leaves.
LOL! Can you get your money back? OR give it as a gift?
So, you found more lies that truth?
GB: Another favorite title was "Kicked, Bitten, and Scratched" about working with animals.
Watercolor: luckily, this was a library book, Cow only resents the time wasted reading it, and the taxpayer expense of buying it.
Doghouse: Cow did indeed.
Since when could we not give library books as gifts?
Have a good Christmas!
Kevin: spoken like a true librarian.
Merry Christmas to you too!
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