Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Travel expenses for kids

Everybody knows that you can bring kids or spouses on government trips. It is an accepted thing. BUT if you do that, they share your room, you pay for their airfare and meals and anything else. The only benefit they get is from sharing the hotel room and sharing taxi rides or something where they don't add to the state cost.

What is astounding to this Cow is not only that Sarah Palin billed the state for separate rooms and airfares for her kids, but that only Alaska newspapers are reporting it.

Nobody else seems to be covering it.

Were a normal state employee to do this they would be billed for the kids costs and then fired for filing a false travel expense report. Cow thinks this is a really big story, and illustrates that somebody thinks the rules don't apply to them.

Which tells you something of their character.



Blogger watercolordaisy said...

Ugh. If those two get elected I will throw up.

3:12 PM  
Blogger linda said...

Well, from this side of the world politics in the USA looks a bit scary.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Sandi said...

I saw a national story on yahoo about that. Apparently AP was doing its own investigation.

6:52 PM  
Blogger From the Doghouse said...

Kinda like when Musgrove took a plane at taxpayers' expense to go see Ole Miss in a bowl game?

6:54 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Cow is glad to hear your comments.

This utter "take everything you can get" mentality of people who are paid huge salaries already just disgusts everyone in the Land of Topiary.


7:35 AM  
Blogger Kevin Musgrove said...

Unfortunately, I don't expect any better of them. So many of our politicians over here are so blatantly nose in the trough that one blinks to find an honest one.

12:13 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Pretty sure there are no honest ones left over here.


2:11 PM  

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