News was never so fun before the Internet.
Used to be, Cow would read the paper and get all flustered and angry, alone with her thoughts of "how stupid is this?" and more.
Now, if you read about Prince William flying around in official aircraft, there will be lots of people saying exactly what you think, repeatedly, literately, illiterately, but also contributing opposing views.
In fact, it's kind of like school, only the teacher isn't having to call on people to express opinions. Nope, they're volunteering them, without a quiz or a test or a grade in sight. And nobody is ever flunked.
Cow is impressed with those Speaking Up.
Used to be, Cow would read the paper and get all flustered and angry, alone with her thoughts of "how stupid is this?" and more.
Now, if you read about Prince William flying around in official aircraft, there will be lots of people saying exactly what you think, repeatedly, literately, illiterately, but also contributing opposing views.
In fact, it's kind of like school, only the teacher isn't having to call on people to express opinions. Nope, they're volunteering them, without a quiz or a test or a grade in sight. And nobody is ever flunked.
Cow is impressed with those Speaking Up.
Wasn't he was supposed to be picking up his girlfriend? I think that girl wants to marry him.
Taking off and landing in his girlfriend's back yard was the last trip, Gorilla B.
This was the damage-control trip after that, where instead of the girlfriend, he picked up a wounded soldier for repatriation. Or something like that.
Fair do's: if your grandmother owned a few dozen Chinook helicopters you'd be disappointed if you didn't get to have a go to impress a loved one.
Which begets the questions: what kind of girl is impressed with helicopter pilots?
And, when does Bunny get a ride, anyway?
Seriously, if you are a prince, what is the point if you can't commandeer a helicopter, lol!
La la la ... love me some blog land ...
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