Thursday, March 06, 2008

Crest Pro Health --- Watch out!!!!

Cow was attracted by Crest Pro Health's claim to be alcohol-free, so she tried it.

This product causes stains on your teeth just as if you were a coffee drinker. Horrible. There's no warning about this at all on the package.

Cow just had her teeth cleaned and after a short time of using Crest Pro Health mouthwash they are now stained like they've never been stained before. Apparently it is some chemical in the mouthwash.

So, apparently the dentist can polish most of it off unless it's damaged the enamel. To learn more just google it. And if you have your receipt save it because Crest should not only refund your money but also pay for the cleaning. Of course they won't though because they're in full denial and "blame the consumer" mode.

Cow thinks CEO's of companies should be forced to use their own products for a few years first before inflicting them on unsuspecting consumers.



Blogger Gorilla Bananas said...

You have blue-tinted teeth! What an outrage! Why can't they make these alcohol-free beverages colourless? I don't see why removing the alcohol should turn a liquid blue.

2:32 PM  
Blogger From the Doghouse said...

Thanks for the warning!

Now go leave a present in Crest's front yard.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Webmaster said...

I agree with doghouse. You should leave something, if only a very nasty note to their corporate office.

8:57 AM  

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