Tuesday, October 30, 2007

America Still Needs The Maps

This American Life (radio show on National Public Radio) had a segment about maps.

For instance, one geographer has found a correlation: People with pumpkins on their porch are more likely to be mentioned in local news.

Assuming, people with pumpkins probably have kids, participate in local activities, get in the newspaper. Those without those things, probably don't.

Cow will get that pumpkin on the porch, pronto!



Blogger Webmaster said...

That's one of my favorite radio shows, tc. I downloaded the podcast of the map show, but for some reason I couldn't upload it onto my iPod. This is irritating to no end. I like to listen to that in the car, when there's no other decent radio on (and because I'm in the car so dang much).
I'll figure it out...

4:05 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Yes, Cow is disappointed in the downloadability of This American Life also. She's found one site which offers the current week free download.

Think it's because that show sells it's episodes as CD collections. If the price weren't so steep Cow would support them, but they're too high for the Topiary budget.

It is a good show though, and worth it, for sure.


6:49 AM  
Blogger Webmaster said...

I can get it for free, as a podcast, but I think the problem is on my end. I just can't figure out how to get it from my computer to my iPod. I love gadgets, but they don't always love me, LOL

12:28 PM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Cow has yet to experience the iPod, so cannot offer suggestions, alas!

Hope you can hear the map segment sometime though, it was great!


1:23 PM  

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