Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Home Invasions

Watched Dateline last night, on the murders by scumbags in Connecticut.

Topiary got up three times during the program to check the doors were locked.

When personal presence is no longer a deterrent to crime, there leaves only force, threats of force, evasion, or possibly turning to Topiary. Not good options.



Blogger Webmaster said...

It's amazing to me that people will invade your home with you in it. Wow. At first, I though it just took cahones to do this, then I remembered that most of these people are crackheads (or otherwise addicted).

2:14 PM  
Blogger Supermom said...

The best deterrent? A big inside dog with a intimidating bark.

I can't list all the big grown men who refused to step foot into my house until I locked my dog up.

A/C serviceman, appliance repairman, pest control, etc.

She IS intimating sounding but she is just a sweet puddy tat.

6:29 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Yes Sandi, Topiary agrees with you.

And Super Mom, Cow is adopting a dog forthwith! Thanks for the tip!


7:06 AM  
Blogger Supermom said...

well, she more so adopted me..

poor little sick stray puppy followed me home one morning while I was out jogging.

(stop laughing, I used to jog. USED to)

It took us forever to get her all well, but that dog has turned out to be the best pet ever.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Webmaster said...

This will sound strange, but I've seen people walk a wide path around my cat. He's not mean-looking or anything. Go figure.

10:01 AM  
Blogger The Topiary Cow said...

Awwww. Good for you, Super Mom!

Topiary loves your doggie already.

Sandi, Cow would also be afraid of the cat. Verrrrry afraid.


7:36 AM  

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