If only life could be Photoshopped too...
Cow has been playing with Photoshop and the previous picture of her California Renaissance-Faire-bound friends. She took off their eye-wear, smoothed away wrinkles, and gave the photo a much more appropriate background.
Now if only life worked so well. Take away the crappy job, smooth out the bank balance with the addition of new colored stock, add dragons or other excitement. Restore primitive forests and their inhabitants. Poof!
Now if only life worked so well. Take away the crappy job, smooth out the bank balance with the addition of new colored stock, add dragons or other excitement. Restore primitive forests and their inhabitants. Poof!
Can you photoshop me about 15 lbs. lighter?
Cow is happy to utilize her expertise for the benefit of all womankind.
Step right up, supermom!
Wow. I'm feeling so svelte.
The only trick with supermom is deciding whether you want a dragon in your background or something more spiffy.
Like maybe a superhero?
Janitor would like to photoshop out all zero-gravity messes.
Only thing lacking in the renaissance was warm biscuits.
They had hard bread. That's just no good.
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